Important steps you should know about the writing process

Important steps you should know about the writing process

Writing can be challenging since you’re striving to do two seemingly opposing jobs at once: produce and contain. Your thoughts should flow like a river, quick and powerful, but if they are dispersed, the river will exceed its banks. 

You must be selective in your word choices and judicious in the amount of data you give. Both flexibility and structure are required to confine and direct the flow. 

Prewriting might help you produce ideas if you don’t know what to write about. Anything you do before you start writing, such as brainstorming, making an idea map, or making an outline, is referred to as prewriting.

Prewriting techniques such as brainstorming, freewriting, and clustering can help you spark ideas and get closer to the heart of what you believe and feel about a subject. And, certainly, even in an explanatory essay, the heart is important! If you’re passionate about the subject, you’ll be much more likely to create an engaging paper.

 Let’s have a look at how these three main approach’s function.

Pre-writing or Brainstorming 

This brainstorming is one way of expressing thoughts about a topic (even the bad ones) will help you get started. You do this with another individual or in a group, and each person quickly adds their thoughts on the subject. 

Following that, you can choose the best ideas and make a list. During the brainstorming phase, you’ll often find that many of your ideas are already tied to one another. It will be easier to develop an outline if you already have these connected concepts put down.

Drafting or freewriting

This is the main stage of the writing process is drafting, which involves transforming your outlined thoughts into a first draft of your essay.

While you’re drafting, don’t worry about spelling or grammar; instead, concentrate on converting your ideas into sentences and paragraphs. 

If you stick to the outline you made during the prewriting stage, you’ll be able to build a clear path for your writing. Students can get expert help from online writing services to solve your academic problems,

Set a time limit for yourself and begin writing on your topic, documenting your thoughts in full sentences as they occur to you. Avoid distractions by not editing as you go or even looking back at what you’ve written. Simply keep writing as ideas come to you.

Editing or Revision

The term “revision” is frequently used interchangeably with “editing.” During this time, a lot of things happen. Entire parts can be added or removed, the topic of the work can shift, and supporting evidence can be expanded or altogether removed. In its most basic form, it’s similar to when you proofread a text message just before sending it and then delete half of it. 

Although editing is involved, rewriting entails far more than simply correcting spelling errors. This stage provides writers with an opportunity to receive a second view on their work. Having someone else go through your work allows you to see if you’ve taken into account the needs of your readers.


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