What is the Dissertation and How to Write a Dissertation?

What is the Dissertation and How to Write a Dissertation?

Are you going to write a dissertation? Writing a thesis or dissertation is not a piece of cake for all. It needs time, energy, and a lot of willpower to complete a dissertation. If you understand what is the Dissertation and how to write a dissertation, your research journey will be a lot smoother.

In this blog, we will discuss the overview of a dissertation and how to write a dissertation.

Let’s start with the overview of the Dissertation.

What do you mean by dissertation?

A dissertation is a research plan created as part of an undergraduate and postgraduate level. It is an extended piece of writing of between 10,000-20,000 words on a topic. Generally, the topic is given by the department, or a student chooses by themselves. 

Dissertations answer a particular research question and either report on an experimental or literature-based study. It allows students to present their findings in reply to a question or topic they choose themselves. 

The dissertation aims are to check the independent research skills of students. The assessment is used to determine a student’s final grades.

Thus, now you know what a dissertation is. Let’s discuss how to write a dissertation.  

How to Write A Dissertation

Overall, there are 8 main steps to write a dissertation. Let’s discuss it briefly. 

1.Understand exactly what a dissertation is

Well, before writing a dissertation, you should know what a dissertation is. You can read about the dissertation above. Let’s move to the next step.

2.Find a unique and valuable research topic

You are required to discover a research topic that asks a particular question or set of questions. A good dissertation and thesis topic have few essential qualities. Specifically, a solid research question should be clear, unique, and important. 

Your research topic should be clear about what you intend to research. There should not be any uncertainty or confusion about what you will research. Your research topic should be asked a specific question that you have not asked before. Only asking a unique or original question is not enough. The question needs to produce value. 

3.Write down a convincing Research Proposal

Once you are done making an accurate research topic, the next step is to convince your university to research it. No matter how perfect your topic is, you still need to get a stamp before you move to do research. A research proposal’s chief “job” is to convince your university, advisor, or organization that your research topic is deserving of approval.

4.Craft a strong introduction

When your proposal has been approved, it’s time to write your actual dissertation or thesis. The first thing you write in your dissertation is an introduction. The introduction intends to establish the scene for your research. Through the introduction, the readers understand what you are researching and why it is essential. Your introduction should include:

  • A brief description of the study you are going to talk about in the dissertation.
  • Mention which problem you are going to explain.
  • Present the significance of your research and how it is valuable and essential in the world.

5.In-Depth review of literature

There are two chief stages in the method of literature review:

  • Reading-Up
  • Writing-Up

In reading-up, you need to deep dive into existing literature to understand your topic. Existing literature includes the journal article, textbooks, chapters, etc. 

In writing up, once you have done reading literature, you have to start writing up your literature review. 

6.Carry out your research

There are two steps here: designing your research strategy and executing it. The first step is to create your research strategy and craft a methodology part. This part is all about explaining the “how” of your research. When you have worked out your research design, then you can start collecting your data. Data collection takes a lot of time of yours. So, be sure to give sufficient time to your project plan for this. 

7.Project your findings

The next step is to show your findings. In the dissertation, you give your findings into two methods. The first one is results. Your results part would deliver the outcomes of the statistical tests. The second one is the discussion part. In this part, you will explain what the numbers mean concerning your research questions. 

8.Draw a conclusion

The last step is that you need to conclude your research and discuss the implications. In this part, you need to highlight the significant findings of your study and explain the consequences of these findings.

Bonus Point

Well, after this, it is essential to know the structure of the Dissertation.

How to Structure A Dissertation

In a dissertation, you should include:

  • Title Page
  • Acknowledgments
  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Lists of figures and tables
  • Lists of abbreviations
  • Glossary 
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussions
  • Conclusion
  • Reference List
  • Appendices
  • Editing And Proofreading

These all points should be in a sequence. You do not need to forget any point from this. 


All in all, I hope now you know what is the dissertation and how to write a dissertation. If you understand all of these steps and work through each of them carefully, it will help you write your dissertation accurately. 


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