The Ultimate List of eLearning Statistics for 2022

The Ultimate List of eLearning Statistics for 2022

The eLearning industry has become a rather big deal in recent years as it has managed to experience a boom quite like any other.

Of course, whilst the internet and computers have become an essential part of our lives, they have managed to play a significant role in allowing for this industry to grow like it has, as more and more people have decided to use it to their advantage to learn a new skill or further their knowledge by developing a pre-existing skill that they have.

According to figures, it has been found that the eLearning market is expected to grow to a rather huge $320 billion by 2025, but what is eLearning, and what are some of the other ultimate statistics that have been created that can help to highlight just how extraordinarily huge this market industry has managed to become?

What is eLearning?

In order to understand what eLearning is, it is perhaps best to try and define it in its simplest of terms. One way in which it has been described is by labeling it with the term ‘online learning’ where individuals will use electronic resources, such as the internet, where they are able to access a variety of online tools such as specifically tailored programs and webinars.

Given that technology is at the forefront of this particular industry, it perhaps is not a surprise that many did not initially embrace it due to the lack of traditional teaching methods, such as via a human, although the continued emergence of the digital age has certainly allowed for people to accept eLearning more in the modern era.

Why is eLearning so popular around the world?

There are a host of different reasons available that help to highlight why the eLearning industry has been embraced by much of the world’s population, with organizations across various different market sectors finding that it can provide them with a number of benefits, as have individuals.

With eLearning having become incredibly accessible, people have started to try and educate themselves at home by participating in various courses that can benefit their lives or career prospects. Some have decided to take language courses including trying to learn German for any given reason, whilst others have looked to try and learn a completely different skill to try and improve their opportunities in life.

Indeed, convenience is also a great factor, whilst some businesses will have noticed that it can be cost-effective to use these resources instead of humans, as it can be cheaper to have a robot or a software program provide the teaching rather than pay a physical human being.

What are some of the ultimate eLearning statistics?

As we know, eLearning is a rather big deal within the world at the moment, and the predicted market valuation of $320 billion by 2025 goes a long way in showing just how big the industry has become, however, there are a number of other statistics available that can help to further show its significance.

Let’s take a look at some of the most mind-blowing available:

  1. The industry has grown by 900% since 2000 (Skill Scouter)
  2. 90% of companies offer their employees some form of digital learning (LinkedIn)
  3. 68% of employees say they prefer to learn at work (LinkedIn)
  4. The US and Europe collectively account for 70 percent of the world’s eLearning market (Skill Scouter)
  5. eLearning improves employee productivity by up to 25% (American Heart Association)

Final Thoughts

Indeed, when you take a look at just a few of the five statistics mentioned above, it is pretty clear and easy to understand the significance that the eLearning industry has had on the world in a variety of different ways.


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