Learning disorders may be seen in children throughout their development phase by parents and educators, with dyslexia being one of the most prevalent types to be observed. According to data published by the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, one in every ten Australians, or 10% of the population, has been diagnosed with dyslexia. Because of this, every instructor has experienced at least one kid who has dyslexia of some kind in their courses. It is their obligation to identify and assist such children, using suitable teaching methodologies such as the Orton Gillingham method, if they are identified. In this way, instructors and educators may help youngsters overcome their difficulties with reading while also improving their emotional and overall well-being.
Despite substantial study and public awareness, myths and misunderstandings regarding dyslexia and other learning disabilities linger in society, although they are debunked. This article investigates the reality behind a few of these claims.
Children who perceive words and letters backwards must have dyslexia, according to the official definition.
A person’s ability to read and write letters backwards is not always indicative of dyslexia. It is relatively uncommon for young children to misinterpret letters and write in the other direction. It is usual for youngsters up to the second grade to mix the letter d with the letter b or to write q instead of p. Some individuals with the learning issue write backwards, whilst others do not write in this manner. Because of this, it does not play a significant role in the development of dyslexia. Nonetheless, if the reversal continues to persist beyond the second grade, parents should seek professional help before drawing any conclusions.
It is only after the first few years of school that the first indicators of reading impairment or dyslexia may be seen.
The findings of longitudinal studies suggest that in children with dyslexia, the presence of early indicators is a strong predictor of the disability. Problems with word recognition, oral comprehension, expressive vocabulary, quick automated naming, phonological awareness, and word repetition are some of the most critical determinants of reading success and failure. If nothing is done to help them, such youngsters may struggle to achieve the average reading level as they go through primary school. Because of this, it is critical to intervene early.
Children that have dyslexia are not brilliant and are sluggish in their learning.
According to the International Dyslexia Association, children who have dyslexia have an intellect that ranges from ordinary to above-average. However, it is possible that they may not have the capacity to read at a level commensurate with their intellect. Dyslexia affects a large number of talented persons who are flourishing in their careers. According to research, the dyslexic brain works five times as hard as the brains of other youngsters. This situation may cause individuals to get weary and frustrated, which may lead to their giving up on the activities before they have even begun. It has no impact on their desire or capacity to be physically active and to participate in school activities, though.
Children who have dyslexia will never be able to learn to read.
Children and adults with dyslexia can and do learn to read. However, the difficulty is in the amount of work necessary to read. They will continue to be manual readers who will put up significant effort into the exercise. The majority of children may not outgrow dyslexia and the difficulties that come with it. With the appropriate education and training, such as the Orton Gillingham method, people may develop the cognitive processing abilities necessary to manage their learning impairment. The early and consistent assistance will aid in the restoration of their ability to read, write, and spell correctly.
A little extra effort may make the reading task a bit less complicated.
When it comes to teaching children with dyslexia to read, it is not the effort that has to be changed, but rather the approach. When compared to youngsters who do not have dyslexia, studies have shown that their brains work in a different way. Reading, on the other hand, may gradually modify brain connections over time, allowing them to improve their reading skills. Those with dyslexia are often told that they must put up more effort, but in truth, they need special education and practice to develop and maintain long-term reading habits. Teachers that follow the Orton Gillingham method employ multimodal instructions to open up new learning pathways for the students they are working with. This has a huge impact on their learning process.